The Social Contract артикул 3529c.
The Social Contract артикул 3529c.

Censored in its own time, The Social Contract (1762) remains a key source of democratic belief and is one of the classics of political theory It argues, concisely but eloquently, that the basis of any legitimate society must be the agreement of its members As human beings, we were 'born free', and our subjection to government must be freely accepted оеблщ Rousseau was always a radical thinker, and in a broad sense a revolutionary He insisted on the sovereignty of the people, and his greatest contribution to political thought is the concept of the general will, which unites individuals through their common self-interest, validating the society in which they live and the constraints it imposes on them This edition includes the opening chapter of the manuscript version of the Contract, together with the long article on Political Economy, a work transitional between the Contract and the Discourse on Inequality Формат: 13 см x 19,5 см Автор Жан-Жак Руссо Jean-Jacques Rousseau Жан-Жак Руссо (28 6 1712, Женева, — 2 7 1778, Эрменонвиль, близ Парижа), французский философ-просветитель, писатель, композитор.  TimothyСерия: Oxford World's Classics.